Inter-house Dance Competition

When we try to translate the vitality of our life energy into fluid moves, we dance. Every dance performance is unique as every dancer is a unique being throbbing with life. On 8th December, 2019 the young learners of Golden Era Academy, New Panvel danced their way into the hearts of the audience comprising of parents, students and teachers. Zestful participation from members of all the four houses made the Inter house Dance Competition a runaway hit with both parents and students. The performances encompassed various styles of Western and Indian – Hip Hop, Robotic, Gangnam and even Classic Bollywood numbers which evoked nostalgic memories of the past.

Inter house sports competition

This is an energizer game that raises the acting spirit in students. Teacher will have a list of sports activities with him/her numbered from 1 to 10 or so. He would then randomly call out a student and asks to say a number. Teacher now call out the sports activity that is linked to the particular number in his/her list. The student has to enact the activity for at least 10 seconds. The list can include items such as shooting a jump shot, batting a baseball, serving a tennis ball, juggling a soccer ball and more.
